
Neonatal Intensive Care
Hospital Affiliation: UCLA Santa Monica Medical Center
Professional Governance: Transformational Leadership, Evidence-Based Practice Council


Abstracts/ Presentations

Surfactant Administration Checklist to Reduce Pneumothorax in NICU. National Association of Neonatal Nurses Conference. and  Academy of Neonatal Nurses Advanced Practice Nursing Conference. 2019. 

Regular and Intentional Family Meetings: A strategy to decrease anxiety and facilitate communication in the NICU. National Association of Neonatal Nurses Conference. and  UCLA Ethics of Caring Conference. 2017.

Implementation of the NICU Neuroprotective Bundle. UCLA Evidence Based Practice Conference. 2017.

Comparison of Neonatal Length Measurements Using Tape Measure and Length Board. European Academy of Pediatrics International Conference, Barcelona, Spain. 10/2022. (poster presentation)

Comparison of Neonatal Length Measurements Using Tape Measure and Length Board. National Association of Neonatal Nurses Annual Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada. 09/2022. (poster presentation)

Comparison of Neonatal Length Measurements Using Tape Measure and Length Board. Academy of Neonatal Nurses Advanced Practice Nursing Conference, Chicago, Illinois. 09/2021. (poster presentation) 

Surfactant Administration Checklist to Reduce Pneumothorax in NICU. National Association of Neonatal Nursing, Savannah, Georgia. 10/2019. (poster presentation) 

Surfactant Administration Checklist to Reduce Pneumothorax in NICU. UCLA Evidence Based Care Conference, Los Angeles, California. 9/2019. (poster presentation) 

Regular and Intentional Family Meetings: A strategy to decrease anxiety and facilitate communication in the NICU. National Association of Neonatal Nursing, Providence, Rhode Island,. 10/2017. (poster presentation) 

Regular and Intentional Family Meetings: A strategy to decrease anxiety and facilitate communication in the NICU. International Relationship Based Care Symposium, Minneapolis, MN. 06/2017. (poster presentation) 

Implementation of a NICU Neuroprotective Bundle. UCLA Evidence Based Practice Conference, Los Angeles, California. 09/ 2017. ( poster presentation) 

Regular and Intentional Family Meetings: A strategy to decrease anxiety and facilitate communication in the NICU. National Ethics of Caring Conference, Los Angeles, California, 03/2017. (poster presentation) 


Ladak A., Lee B., Sasinski J. (2021). Clinical Nurse Specialist Expands to Crisis Management Role During COVID-19 Pandemic. Clinical Nurse Specialist ,35(6):291-299. doi: 10.1097/NUR.0000000000000632. PMID: 34606208.

Furtak, S. L., Gay, C. L., Kriz, R. M., Bisgaard, R., Bolick, S. C., Lothe, B., Cormier, D. M., Joe, P., Sasinski, J. K., Kim, J. H., Lin, C. K., Sun, Y., & Franck, L. S. (2021). What parents want to know about caring for their preterm infant: A longitudinal descriptive study. Patient education and counseling, S0738-3991(21)00249-4. Advance online publication. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.pec.2021.04.011 

Ribeiro, D., Sasinski, J. & Victorino, L. (2018). Regular and Intentional Family Meetings: A strategy to decrease anxiety and facilitate communication in the NICU. NANN E News, Nov. 2018.


2021, 2020 100 in 100: Trailblazing Women of UCLA Health

2021 Drivers of Change Award - Clinical Nurse Specialist Team, UCLA Health, CENTER

2020, 2019, 2017, 2016 Press Ganey Guardian of Excellence Award, UCLA Santa Monica NICU

2019 Team Safety Award, UCLA Santa Monica NICU, UCLA Health Nursing Awards

2018 Great Catch Award


  • Implementation of low birth weight feeding protocol with introduction of exclusive human milk nutrition
  • Implementation of the neuroprotective bundle for low birth weight and premature infants to promote optimal neurodevelopment
  • Reduction in neonatal pneumothorax through creation of surfactant administration checklist and practices
  • Development implementation of evidence based NICU Neuroprotective Bundle
  • Development and implementation of evidence based NICU feeding protocol and introduction of exclusive human milk diet for low birth weight infants
  • Co-Principal investigator on Family Integrated Care and NICU Lengthboard nursing-led research studies