Ai Jin Lee

Specialty: Pulmonary Vascular Disease - Pulmonary Hypertension
Hospital Affiliation: Health System
View a current list on PubMed
Parker, C. (Ed.)., Lee, A.J., Alonzo, R., Lipsky, C., Ortega, Y. I., Salveson, S.A., & McCloy, K. (2021). PH Professional Network: Obesity and Pulmonary Hypertension. Advances in Pulmonary Hypertension. 20 (3): 89–91. doi:
McRae, M.E., Chan, A., Hulett, R., Lee, A.J., & Coleman, B. (2017). The effectiveness of and satisfaction with high-fidelity simulation to teach cardiac surgical resuscitation skills to nurses. Intensive and Critical Care Nursing, 40, 64-69.
McRae., M.E., Chan, A., Lee, A.J., Hulett, R., & Coleman, B. (2017). Team-based learning improves staff nurses’ knowledge of open and closed chest cardiac surgical resuscitation. Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing, 36(1), 60-67.
Transition Between Oral and Parenteral Therapies: A Multicenter Panel Discussion. PHA’s 2021 PH Professional Network (PHPN) Symposium. October 3, 2021
Keeping the right Heart on the Right Track with PH . Camp del Corazon Happy Heart Festival 2020. Irvine, CA. February 22, 2020
Healthcare Simulation. Rotary Club of Downtown Los Angeles. Los Angeles, CA. November 15, 2018
Simulation as an Aid to Adverse Event Investigation, Hospital Based Simulation Committee. Society for Simulation in Healthcare (SSH). July 17, 2018 (Webinar)
Addressing the Gap: Early Recognition of Patient Deterioration, NACNS. Austin, Tx. March 2018
Lessons Learned Designing Interprofessional Airway Management Simulation, IMSH. Los Angeles, CA. January 2018
Making Multi-Professional Simulation Work in Patient Safety Investigation, S3 Asia’s First Collaborative Simulation Conference. Singapore October 2017
Simulation as a Teaching Strategy; The Role of the Clinical Nurse Specialist, Annual California Association of Clinical Nurse Specialists Conference. Santa Barbara, CA. October 2017
There is No “I” in Team Work, International Network for Health Workforce Education. Porto, Portugal July 2017
Looking Back to Plan for the Future; Revitalizing the Code Blue/Rapid Response Team. A.J. Lee, C. Bugais, J. Buckles, E. Dulce, J. Laguna, F. Ferozali, R. Metcalfe-Smith. International Society of Rapid Response Systems & Medical Emergency Teams Annual Conference. Chicago, Il. May 2017
Where do we begin? Starting up a RRT/Code Blue Committee C. Bugais, A.J. Lee, J. Buckles, J. Laguna, F. Ferozali. International Society of Rapid Response Systems & Medical emergency Teams Annual Conference. Chicago, Il. May 2017
Revamping the Rapid Response Team Through a CNS Lens. C. Bugais, A. Lee, J. Buckles, E. Dulce. National Association of Clinical Nurse Specialists Annual Conference. Atlanta, GA. March 2017
2021 Drivers of Change Award - Clinical Nurse Specialist Team, UCLA Health, CENTER
- Redesign and implement prostacyclin order set and policy in collaboration with Pharmacy Team
- Support patient, staff and health system as a clinical expert of pulmonary hypertension team member
- Support expansion of the pulmonary vascular disease program within the UCLA health system