Thanuttha (Tak) Tiensawang

Specialty: Wound Ostomy Continence Nursing
Hospital Affiliation: Health System
Abstracts/ Presentations
Effectiveness of Fluid Immersion Simulation (FIS) Operating Room Table Pads in Prevention of Perioperative Pressure Ulcers in High Risk Surgical Patients.
Management of a colocutaneous fistula in a large abdominal wound with a collapsible silicone fistula isolation device and negative pressure wound therapy with instillation therapy (NPWT-i).
Standardizing Support Surfaces to Prevent Hospital Acquired Pressure Injuries in ICUs and High Risk Units.
2021 Drivers of Change Award - Clinical Nurse Specialist Team, UCLA Health, CENTER
- Standardization of support surfaces decreased and sustained HAPI rates below NDNQI Academic Medical Center Benchmark 46 out of 48 months in the past 5 years
- Provided Improving Outcomes Classes at RRUCLA for RNs, LVNs, and CCP on pressure injury prevention, skin and wound care to keep staff updated on pressure injury prevention and wound care
- Weekly wound care rounds on high risk units with unit CNS and Educators to increase visibility of WOCN service and to promote pressure injury prevention