Grace Sund

Specialty: Pediatrics
Professional Governance: Evidence-Based Practice Council
Hospital Affiliation: Health System
Abstracts/ Presentations
A Comparison of Local Anesthetics for Intravenous Catheter. Insertion Society of Pediatric Nursing Annual Conference. 2022. (Poster)
To Infinity and Beyond: The Journey of 1 School Assignment that led to Research and (hopefully) Publication!. Society of Pediatric Nursing Annual Conference. 2022. (Poster)
A Safe Space: a Multidisciplinary and Multifaceted Approach to Provide Medical and Emotional Safety to Unaccompanied Migrant Children at Emergency Intake Sites. Society of Pediatric Nursing Annual Conference. 2022. (Podium)
See My Suffering: Utilizing the DisDat Tool to Identify Suffering in Developmental Delay. National Association of Clinical Nurse Specialist Annual Conference. 2021. (Podium)
Lessons Learned in Caring for the Eating Disorder Population. Society of Pediatric Nursing Annual Conference. 2022 (Poster)
Handling Behavioral health on an Acute Care Inpatient Unit: how comfortable are you? Society of Pediatric Nursing National Conference. April 2020. (Poster)
In situ, high fidelity, multidisciplinary pediatric code blue simulation in a quality assurance program. Pediatric Hospitalist CLABSI Prevention. August 2020.
Becoming a Pediatric CNS. CLABSI prevention with Dr. Yamini Sharma. Pediatric MD Resident Noon Conference
See my suffering: utilizing DisDat tool to identify suffering in developmental delay with Jeannie Meyer and Mary Beth Chambers. NACNS. March 2021. (Podium)
View a full list on PubMed
Lozano, S., Sund, G., Guimera, A., Deukmedjian, G., Miller, P.S., A Comparison of Local Anesthetics for Intravenous Catheter Insertion in Hospitalized Pediatric Patients: A Randomized Clinical Pilot Trial. J Infus Nurs. 2021 Nov-Dec 01;44(6):346-356.
Madson, Z.C., Vangala, S., Sund, G.T., Lin, J.A. Does carrier fluid reduce low flow drug infusion error from syringe size? World Journal of Clinical Pediatrics. 2020 Sep 19;9(2):17-28. PMID: 33014719; PMCID: PMC7515749.
Casillas, J. N., Kao, R. L., Macadangdang, J., Lidington, E., Hsu, M. S., Gan, H., Roach, G. D., Upadhyay, S., Vaghasia, N. G., Gell, J. J., van Dyne, E. A., Li, N., Sund, G., & Moore, T. B. (2018). Improving Fertility Preservation Discussions for Adolescent and Young Adult Male Oncology Patients. Oncology Issues, 33(5), 16–26.
Madson, Z. C., Vangala, S., Sund, G. T., & Lin, J. A. (2020). Does carrier fluid reduce low flow drug infusion error from syringe size?. World journal of clinical pediatrics, 9(2), 17–28.
- 2021 Drivers of Change Award - Clinical Nurse Specialist Team, UCLA Health, CENTER
- 2018 June 2018 UCLA Medical Center, Santa Monica Clinical Nurse Educator of the Year
- 2016 September 2016 2nd Place Award for Evidence Based Project, Creating a Culture of Professional Development Through Staff Engagement
- Advocated for increased resources in caring for behavioral health in the pediatric population (IRB research study to validate Aggressive Behavior Risk tool in inpatient and ED/ambulatory settings, Nursing guideline and Care Plan created, Developed Behavioral Health course curriculum for Pediatric Staff) 2022
- Change agent as CNS lead in CLABSI/Infection Prevention (from FY21 to FY22 decreased CLABSI rate by 30% with cost avoidance of > $212,000) and 8 months of ZERO HARM across all Mattel units)
- Coached and Mentored frontline leaders in submitting and presenting a total of 3 podiums and 8 posters to 2022 Society of Pediatric Nurses Annual Conference
- CNS lead in infection prevention (Bug Busters), continued work to standardize practice across units in MCH with focused work on CLABSI specifically
Outcome:- FY20 total CLABSIs = 18, SIR 0.8
- FY21 total CLABSIs = 4, SIR 0.3 (as of Jan 2021)
# of CLABSI decreased by >55% (when comparing 2019/20 CLABSI events to 2020/11 CLABSI events since FY21 is not yet complete) - Cost avoidance of >$430,000 (per AHRQ’s estimate of $48,108 per CLABSI)
- CNS led to change neutral cap due to trend of defective caps (ICU Medical) that placed patients at high risk of CLABSI. Collaborated with Value Analysis/Products to trial several neutral caps and chose to move forward to transitioning the Health System with a new neutral cap.
- Focused work on Covid Response
Outcome:- Created guideline for Pediatric Emergency Response to Covid-19.
- Developed and trained through monthly in situ mock simulation and video simulation with debriefing for >200 interdisciplinary staff (RN/MD/RT/pharmacy)
- Supported staff in caring for young adults/adults on various units – providing resources and just in time training during surge and overflow situation
- Focused work on use of Cornerstone vs previous paper system
Outcome:- Created comprehensive pediatric specific initial new hire curriculum for ACCP
- Created comprehensive pediatric specific initial new hire curriculum for RN
- Created comprehensive pediatric specific annual competency curriculum for ACCP
- Created comprehensive pediatric specific annual competency curriculum for RN
- This now standardizes and streamlines the onboarding process for all MCH 3F, 5W, 6NW, float new hires. Staff are assigned modules and UDs will easily see when staff have completed assigned work in Cornerstone.