Anila Ladak

Hospital Affiliation: UCLA Santa Monica Medical Center
Professional Governance: Transformational Leadership, New Knowledge Innovation, Evidence-Based Practice Council 

Abstracts/ Presentations

“Comfort Care Beds”: an Innovative Strategy to Provide Optimal End-of-Life Care. National Association of Clinical Nurse Specialists. Baltimore, MD. March 2022

Nurse-led delirium prevention program for hospitalized older adults. Research Day, UCLA. California. May 2020.

Implementation of the Geriatric Resource Nurse (GRN) Model through Creation of a System-Wide NICHE Champion Council. NICHE Conference. 2020.

Improving Patient Outcomes on an ACE Unit: The Companion Care Volunteer Program to Reduce Loneliness and Isolation. NICHE Conference. 2020.

A nurse-driven constipation prevention and management protocol: development and implementation in a geriatric unit. NICHE Conference. 2020.

Identifying delirium as patient care priority. International NICHE Conference, Atlanta, GA. April 2018.

Comfort care beds: An innovative strategy to provide optimal end-of-life care. Evidence-Based Practice Conference, UCLA, CA. September 2017.

Nursing peer case review: Mentoring nurses towards a just culture. International Relationship-Based Care conference. Minneapolis, MN. 2017.


View a full list on PubMed

Ladak, A., Lee, B., & Sasinski, J. (2021). Clinical nurse specialist Expands to crisis management role during COVID-19 pandemic. Clinical Nurse Specialist, 35(6), 291-299.

Korkis, L., Ternavan, K., Ladak, A., Maines, M., Ribeiro, D., & Hickey, S. (2019). Mentoring Clinical Nurses Toward a Just Culture: Successful Implementation of Nursing Peer Case Review. The Journal of nursing administration49(7-8), 384–388.


2021 Drivers of Change Award - Clinical Nurse Specialist Team, UCLA Health, CENTER

2020 3rd Place Poster Presentation - Nurse-led delirium prevention program for hospitalized older adults, Research Day, UCLA 


  • 2022 Implemented a Nurse-Driven Geriatric Constipation Prevention & Management Protocol in the acute care geriatric unit.
  • 2021 Mentored a successful nursing peer review process to enhance nurse accountability and ownership of patient care, nursing practice to achieve zero patient harm, and a just culture environment.
  • 2020 Led the initiative in implementing the Delirium Prevention Program including new delirium order-set, delirium dashboard, Geriatric Companion Care volunteer program in the Health System. The reduced delirium incidence rate in the pilot geriatric unit estimated savings $64,000. Expansion of delirium pilot program in health system forecast to save approximately $768,000 in reducing negative consequences of delirium.
  • As a Nurses Improving Care for Health System Elders (NICHE) coordinator, leading health system quality improvement initiatives to achieve patient-centered and evidence-based nursing care for older adults such as the development and implementation of unit-based Geriatric Resources Nurses (GRN), geriatric comprehensive screening, Nurse-Driven Geriatric Constipation Prevention & Management Protocol, Beer’s criteria medication education & EHR optimization projects.
  • Leading a successful nursing peer review process to enhance nurse accountability and ownership of patient care and the nursing practice to achieve zero patient harm and a just culture environment. During the process, also addressing multiple system issues for better patient outcomes and organizational efficiency such as EHR optimization for medications safety, nurses workflow improvements, policy/guidelines recommendations, staff education.